It turns out that the brilliant Snickers campaign, “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry,” was right.

CBS reports that “a quick candy bar may stave off more than hunger. It could prevent major fights.” That’s according to a rather bizarre study led by Ohio State University psychology researcher Brad Bushman.

The study looked at 107 married couples over the course of a few weeks. Every night, the researchers measured the couple’s “blood sugar glucose and asked each participant to stick pins in a voodoo doll representing his or her spouse,” reports CBS.

The pins were indicative of the person’s aggression level and the research found that those who stuck the most pins in the dolls had lower blood sugar levels. Ouch.

But all voodoo dolls (and weird shit) aside, the research did validate an important point.

Bushman explained that people need glucose for self-control. Since anger “is the emotion that most people have difficulty controlling,” snacks could be essential in preventing “hanger” (hunger + anger).

While eating a candy bar (such as a Snickers) “might be a good idea if spouses are about to discuss something touchy,” CBS reports that fruits and vegetables are “better for keeping blood sugar levels up” in the long run.

So there you have it, folks! Say goodbye to “Hanger” and hello to snacks – lots of snacks.