The much anticipated feature film debut by “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane dominated the box office during its opening weekend helping to propel the flick into the stratosphere of R-rated comedies and securing its place as the 3rd highest opening for the genre ever. The movie, lazily dubbed “Ted” mirroring the demeanor of its slackish teddy bear protagonist from whom the movie derives its namesake, earned back the entirety of its roughly $50 million by taking in a chart-topping $54.1 million.

“Ted” (voiced, directed, and written by MacFarlane) stars Mark Wahlberg who, as a child, makes a wish for his teddy bear to come to life but comes to question that decision when co-star love interest Mila Kunis wants more from the relationship.

Filled with raunchy humor, leisurely drug use, and immoral sexual dalliances, “Ted” is not for the easily offended. The movie appeals to its built in “Family Guy” audience, an audience that most likely enjoyed the bawdy and persistent comedic style.

The New York Times predicts that MacFarlane and chief financial backer Media Rights Capital will look to run with the initial success of the film and create a comedic franchise not unlike what’s being done with “The Hangover”. Media Rights co-chairman Mordecai Wiczyk told the Times, “We’re still digesting this weekend. Everyone’s talking about it, and certainly we would love to do it.”

With the help of weekend flick partner-in-crime “Magic Mike”, “Ted” contributed to last weekend becoming the highest grossing June weekend of all time and third best weekend of the year. This buddy-comedy has received mostly decent reviews, though the jury is still out here at BostInno. I, personally, have yet to see the movie. Movie aggregator websites Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB have given “Ted” a mediocre though oddly fitting 69% approval rating and a hefty 7.8 out of 10, respectively. Let us know if you plan on seeing the movie, and if you already have, feel free to post your own critical reviews in the comments section.