Children are taught from a young age to share the toys they have with their friends, so that everyone can enjoy them together and learn from each other. That sentiment is one that Sales VPs and sales managers should adopt when it comes to their own toys – sales dashboards, comprised of shiny new data and sales metrics. To that end, we’re pleased to announce our newest feature:

Multiple sales dashboards that can be easily and openly shared.

Check out some of the benefits of sharing sales dashboards, and why this is a product feature that has many of our customers cheering with excitement.

Why you would want to share sales dashboards

You’ve created the perfect sales dashboard – one that displays the right sales metrics updated in real-time, addresses the audience’s needs, has an organized and sensible flow and is cleanly designed. Your dashboard provides you with a great holistic overview of your sales team, helping to track progress against monthly and quarterly goals. In fact, this is the view – the same sales reports – that you want your reps to be looking at, so that you all can be properly aligned on your goals, keeping your eyes on the same prize.

With the addition of dashboard sharing features, you can now easily make your dashboard required viewing for all your reps first thing each morning. Now, you don’t have to worry that your reps are tracking the wrong sales metrics, or focused on the wrong aspects of your sales process.

This is just one example of when shared dashboards would come into play:

  • Managing different sales teams? Your closing sales reps will not be focused on the same metrics as your outbound prospecting reps. You can now create two different sales dashboards for each of these teams, with information relevant to them. For instance, one featuring sales pipeline metrics and Strike Zone reports would serve your closing team well. Meanwhile, your prospecting reps will be more interested in activity totals and activity efficiency ratios – the dashboard you share with those team members should highlight those reports.

  • Sales admins reporting up to management and board-level executives? At the end of sales reporting periods – such as the end of the month and, more importantly, the end of the quarter – C-level executives and board members who might have never dove into the product will all of a sudden be very interested in receiving sales reports that recap and reveal how the company is doing. With dashboard sharing, none of these novices will have to spend a great deal of time playing around and trying to put together their own reports – you can simply share your already-perfect dashboard with them!

    You can even send different dashboard views, to serve different needs. The CFO might be more interested in the company’s financials, such as the Cash Waterfall report. A board member with a heavy marketing background would want to see lead generation and campaign effectiveness reports. A single admin can create the right dashboards, and share them with the right people.

Learn More about the Sales Metrics CEOs Wants to See»

  • Different views for personal use? Let’s say your Sales Director – overseeing your closing reps – is also your best sales rep, closing valuable enterprise and mid-market deals. She would need one sales dashboard view with a holistic overview of how her reps are doing, and another for her own personal deliverables. Now, she can create as many different sales dashboards for her own personal use as she wants, and share those with either her direct reports or her Sales VP above her.

  • Presenting to an outside prospect or client? Instead of having to create a new example of a sales dashboard to present to a new prospect or an existing client, sales admins can now create several model examples, and then sales reps can share those freely. There could even be multiple different templates to address the different needs of various outside prospects and customers.

Creating and sharing multiple different dashboards has a wealth of different applications. Doing so can increase the transparency on your sales team, eliminate the need to spend lots of time creating complicated reports and dashboards and keep all members of your organization focused on the right goals and KPIs for themselves. Get to work creating your perfect sales dashboard and start sharing it with the right people immediately!