Still trying to decide where to watch Game 1? Here are 5 reasons to watch at The Harp:

1. Proximity to home
Not necessarily your home (don’t worry, we have no idea where you live!), but home of the Bruins, The TD Garden. The Harp is located right across the street!

The TD Garden, neighbors with The Harp

2. Food & Beer
The way the Bruins have been playing there is a good chance the game will go into overtime. If this happens you’ll need food (and beer) to stay focused! The Harp has a wide menu, from nachos and burgers to Fish & Chips, and of course a thorough beer list with everything from Coors to craft. If you want to get fancy order a Black and Gold (Guinness and Harp) or Bruins Basher (Jack Daniels, Amaretto and orange juice).

Black and Gold

3. There is No Bad Seat
There is no bad seat at The Harp because no matter what direction you are facing you will have a clear view of at least one TV.

A small sample of The Harp’s many TV’s

4. It’s a mecca for Bruins Fans
The Harp attracts Bruins fans of all types – probably for all the reasons listed above. Watch the game, scream at the ref, boo the Blackhawks, and cheer for the B’s with your people.

Bruins Fans at The Harp

5. You Can Win a Pair of Tickets to Game 2 in Chicago

Radio BDC and Coors are giving away a pair of tickets to Game 2 in Chicago – airfare, hotel, transportation, spending money included! All you need to do is be at The Harp and download the Radio BDC app. Get full details here.

Win a trip to Game 2