The list of daily challenges that CEOs face when running their business is incredibly long, but there is one difficulty that often trumps the rest: getting consistent, reliable and digestible performance data from their team leaders. This is especially true for sales and marketing managers, who often have different methods for measuring their teams’ performance and different ways of presenting their data.

To avoid analyzing the wrong metrics (or, worse, two sets of the wrong metrics!) you as a CEO need to hold your Sales and Marketing managers to repeatable reporting standards — the same KPIs, the same metrics and the same goals.

In our most recent eBook — The CEO’s Guide to Sales and Marketing Dashboards and KPIs — we outline the best sales and marketing KPIs for busy CEOs to track. This 16-page eBook is filled with 8 Essential Dashboards — 4 each for Sales and Marketing — that CEOs need to measure their teams’ collective performance.

How much is your pipeline growing each quarter? How much is marketing contributing to the sales pipeline? Which marketing campaigns are the most effective at generating deals? These are just a few of the key KPIs that will help you ensure that you are on top of your team’s progress — and that you are not getting confusing (or competing) stories from your sales and marketing managers.

If you want to simplify your job and ensure that you are getting the clearest performance picture from your sales and marketing leaders, download this eBook today and learn exactly what KPIs you should be asking your  managers for.

Nothing will make being a CEO easy, but the reports contained in this eBook can go a long way toward making your job significantly more manageable and consistent.