Not gonna lie, folks – the word “selfie” is getting a little old. From Samsung’s shameless selfie campaign to annoying tweens snapping pics of themselves on the streets (right in front of us), we’re getting a bit tired of the narcissistic selfie action happening everywhere.

That is, until we find ourselves taking a little selfie of our own. Hey – it happens. But have you ever wondered how the phenomenon started? Well according to Marketo’s new infographic, the selfie has “roots in Vincent Van Gogh’s famous self-portraits as well as Polaroid and disposable cameras” per DesignTaxi.

The infographic below charts the evolution of the selfie as well as the many different types selfies you’ll find around you. Check it out and let us know what you think of the “selfie-obsessed generation.”

[h/t Design Taxi]

Image via Marketo