via Forbes

Ask anyone what some of the front-line issues facing the contemporary United States are and gun control is likely to be included. But the raging debate could take an unexpected turn as the nonprofit group Defense Distributed successfully fired the first 3D-printed gun. That’s right, a handgun that you can “print” from anywhere with internet access and a 3D printer.

Defense Distributed is headed by University of Texas law student Cody Wilson, described by Forbes as a radical libertarian and anarchist. Using a Stratasys Dimension SST 3D printer, which produces and lays down threads of melted polymer which harden into precisely-shaped plastic objects, Wilson was able to conceive what he’s dubbed “The Liberator”– a surefire way to discharge some serious controversy.

Wilson has successfully shot The Liberator by hand over the weekend and only now needs to tweak a few of the internal plastic mechanics in order to fully support different caliber rounds.

In the wake of a year riddled with public shootings such as notorious Aurora, CO movie theater incident or the tragic one at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT, I find it highly unlikely that Wilson’s creation will hit the mainstream market anytime soon. But rather than oppose any government regulation, Wilson has complied with every license and act set forth by the feds. He told Forbes, “Our strategy is overcompliance.”

Not surprisingly, Wilson has been showered in criticism and even death threats for something that he feels will “enable individuals to create their own sovereign space,” a sentiment he feels is the real issue at hand. Naturally he doesn’t advocate any violence with The Liberator, though he doesn’t deny the fact that other people might have destructive uses for it, “I recognize that this tool might be used to harm people. That’s what it is: It’s a gun. But I don’t think that’s a reason to not put it out there. I think that liberty in the end is a better interest.”

Israel has already called for a ban on 3D-printed guns. New York Senator Chuck Schumer feels the same. He recently stated in a press conference the terrifying fact that “A terrorist, someone who’s mentally ill, a spousal abuser, a felon can essentially open a gun factory in their garage.”

The Liberator will undoubtedly incite a great deal more debate, and probably criticism, as Wilson continues to perfect it. Many are still unnerved by the recent Boston Marathon bombings–which sadly and ironically was dedicated to the Newtown shootings–and will try their best to curtail Wilson’s mission as much as possible.

While Wilson’s intentions might be noble and his technology impressive, the idea of making guns so accessible to anyone makes me a little unnerved. I’m curious to see how President Obama engages with this hot button issue, as its no surprise that he’s a champion of stricter gun regulations.

Time to open up the floor to all of you. Let’s hear your perspective on Wilson, The Liberator, and the affect it may have on the American public. Is this going to far? Is he merely protecting our God-given freedoms? Can and/or should The Liberator be readily available to the masses? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Watch Cody Wilson fire the first 3D-printed gun: