On Wednesday, I attended the Working Well event held at the New England Research and Development center in Cambridge. With healthy local startups such as FitBit and RunKeeper, the evening was bustling with energy and wellness knowledge.

The topic of the night? To learn the secrets behind some of Boston’s healthiest startup cultures: Fitbit, RunKeeper, Next Jump, Maxwell Health and Happier. On top of these enlightening sessions, there was also an expo complete with local health-based companies handing out samples of their delicious products.

However, before I digress into the handfuls of KIND bars and bags of Krave Jerky I devoured, let’s talk healthy office tips.

1. Create a Wellness Program

Bottom line: Don’t become overwhelmed over this initiative, first evaluate your audience. What does your office culture look like now? What are some small steps to create a healthier environment?

Starting and implementing a wellness program doesn’t have to be immense. Begin with a walking group at lunchtime, plank challenges after your morning meetings or even talking to your co-workers about healthy nutritional snack food for your common spaces. Before you know it, your officemates will be engaging in healthier behaviors — however, be patient, it will take time.

2. Collect Data

If the company you work for is large enough to purchase FitBits or other activity trackers for their employees, do it. Having your coworkers be held accountable through this device will allow them to set goals for themselves with regards to their health.

Once everyone begins using the trackers, periodically check in with the data to see which departments are getting the most exercise, sleep and overall are leading healthy lifestyles. The numbers may surprise you as well as help gain some insight into the productivity from certain individuals.

3. Practice Gratitude

From the employees at Boston-based Happier came the idea of creating a gratitude journal.

Each day in a small notebook or diary, jot down something that happened throughout the day which made you grateful. It can be as small as someone holding the door for you. The point is to see the beauty in everyday experiences and value them, no matter how grandiose the gesture.

4. Have Fun

Stress effects far too many. From impacting sleep to relationships and most significantly your health, this terrible form of tension must be tamed. So while there will always be deadlines, nagging managers and annoying cubical mates at work, aim to begin each and every day with a clear mind.

If your office isn’t responding to these healthy habits, make the changes for yourself.

Stand while taking that phone call, walk to a further Starbucks for you mid-afternoon coffee or simply practice giving thanks through your gratitude journal. These small things may seem unimportant, however, they add up. At the end of the work day you’ll be happier, healthier and a little more stress-free.


Image via Working Well