Wednesday afternoon, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady left a joint practice with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with an injured left knee, the same knee that nagged him 2008. Hordes of Patriots fans cried out in despair, that the season that already found itself on shaky footing might become altogether beyond salvage.

It just so happened to be potential third string Patriots quarterback Tim Tebow’s birthday as well.

Now I do not consider myself a religious man – not by a long shot. I’ve become decently acquainted with Christianity in the small amount of time I’ve been on this little blue marble, and I’m fairly certain “pray for another man to blow out his gimpy knee” isn’t how it works.

And yet, Twitter soon became deluged with unoriginal, unfunny groaners, implying there was some sort of connection between Tebow’s birthday and Brady’s injury. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you: low hanging fruit.

Photo via ESPN