Marathon Monday is the most unique day in Boston.  No where else does a city shut everything down so people can line 26.2 miles of streets to go absolutely crazy for runners who have trained for months to complete the insane physical and mental challenge that is a marathon… and there is definitely no bigger annual party on a Monday, anywhere.  Below are our top 3 places to be to soak in the madness that is Marathon Monday.

#3- The Scream Tunnel: Wellesley

As long as you’re ok with inner ear malfunction and strange hallucinations due to incessant screaming, Wellesley College is the place to be this Monday.   Thousands of girls screaming at the top of their lunges, and kissing runners as they run by?  It might be worth the trip to the burbs.  Not sure if it’s PC to jump into the race, but if there were a place to do it, it’s the Wellesley College half mile.  This video pretty much tells the whole story.

#2- The Finish Line: Copley Square

If you’re looking for a more morally empowering experience, definitely head to finish line around Copley Square.  It’s pretty neat to watch athletes who have trained for so many months through cold, sleet, and snow cross the 26.2 mile marker.  If interesting emotions are you’re thing, the joy mixed with absolute fatigue mixed with sadness that it’s over mixed with what the hell did I just do is a fascinating psychological study in of itself.

#1- The 21st mile: Boston College

Wellesley and the finish line are great, but there is simply no comparison to Marathon Monday at Boston College.  Let me walk you through the 21st mile, and I think you’ll understand why Marathon Monday at BC is something really special.

The Top of Heartbreak Hill:  Crazy.  All of these athletes just finished running their 20th mile in a row up a giant freaking hill.  Is that some sort of joke?  The best part is there are hundreds of smiling, screaming, encouraging BC kids there to congratulate them on the feat.

Down the Hill:  The 21st mile begins with a solid quarter mile downhill leading into Boston College’s Lower Campus.  Thousands of BC undergrads line the streets losing their minds for the runners as they get to descend the mountain they just climbed.  The downhill ends where the mods begin, and if you’re at all familiar with BC, you know what that means.

Cleveland Circle:  Madness.  Cleveland Circle is jam packed with students and Brighton residents cheering runners on into the 22nd mile.

There is no question that the 21st mile and Boston College are the place to be this Marathon Monday.  Trust us on that.  If you’re really feelin’ it, start wandering the mods… we’ll see you there.

Image Credit: Start, Wellesley, BC