Acton, Mass. based Azuki Systems is helping cable companies remain competitive amidst the impending Internet TV revolution and the rise of the second and third screens (tablets, smartphones). The company just released Azuki Media Everywhere, which is the first video platform to enable premium video streaming across ALL mobile networks and devices.

In leveraging Azuki’s new platform, cable operators can capitalize on ‘TV Everywhere’ – the idea that you and I may someday begin to watch a show on our home TVs, continue to watch it on our smartphone/tablet when in commute, and finish it on our laptops at work.

“Until today, TV Everywhere was far too difficult and expensive to deploy. It was essentially a story of unrealized potential,” said John Clancy, president and CEO of Azuki Systems. “With this groundbreaking release, Azuki makes TV Everywhere a reality and allows cable and phone companies to implement a complete end-to-end solution with an incredible user experience that can be deployed in under 90 days.”

The solution enables cable operators to deploy multi-screen content and initiatives across all mobile operating systems (Android, Symbian, Blackberry, WP7, iOS, etc.). Part of the draw for cable operators to Azuki Media Everywhere is the company’s technology, which protects a cable operator’s content with digital rights management (DRM) protected media. Azuki, founded in 2008, is known for their end-to-end solution which prepares, protects, delivers and distributes DRM. Their initial offering, the Azuki Wireless Platform, has made them a leader in video delivery given their optimized and cost-effective approach.

Azuki realizes that cable operators that don’t deliver TV Everywhere will lose ground to competitors, even noting in their press release that some people aren’t paying for cable TV anymore – instead opting for TV over the Internet (aka “cutting the cord“). The company’s solution not only delivers the device agnostic solutions Internet TV can, it also creates new revenue streams for cable networks through freemium, premium and pay-per-view initiatives.

To learn more, check out the Azuki website.