What beer are people tweeting about? Well, according to the “Beer Tweet” chapter from The Geography of Beer, it depends on where they live. Science Daily reported yesterday that “researchers who mapped tweets revealed how ‘beer space’ on Twitter reflects real-world preferences of brews and beer brands in the United States.” The findings were then illustrated through maps, created by University of Kentucky geographers Matthew Zook and Ate Poorthuis.

Overall, the Twitter-beer studies showed that Bud Light’s tweet preference was strongest on the Eastern side of the U.S. and Coors Light was more popular in the West. Brands like Miller Lite were tweeted about more in the Midwest, while Sam Adams proved most popular in the Northeast.

A press release from the book’s publisher reveals that the study took into account “one million geotagged tweets (that is, tweets with associated locational data)” that included keywords like “wine”, “beer” and various top selling beer brands. The tweets were recorded from June 2012 and May 2013 from U.S. residents.

While some of the findings were not terribly shocking, the researchers did discover some very distinct regional beer brand tweet preferences. The map above reveals America’s favorite tweeted beer brands by region.

The study also revealed that “most wine-related tweets were sent from the wine-growing regions of Washington, Oregon and northern and central California,” according to the release. But as you can see (below), the Northeast also likes to wine (thumbs up). It seems that people living in U.S. coastal regions were bigger fans – or at least, were tweeting about wine more often.

You can find out more by reading The Geography of Beer and checking out the full release, here.


Maps courtesy of Springer Science+Business Media