Russian daredevil and extremist of the extreme athletes, Valery Rozo, set the world record for highest base jump when he climbed Mount Everest and free-fell from 7,220 meters (roughly four and a half a miles) above sea level.

Red Bull sponsored the event, evoking memories of the popular energy drink’s sponsored Felix Baumgartner skydive from 24 miles above the surface of the Earth at speeds of over 830 mph.

Rozov, however, battled the elements on his trek up the world’s highest mountain and successfully timed the feat to coincide with the 60th anniversary of Edmund Hillary‘s inaugural ascent of Everest.

According to USA Today, “In the special wingsuit, he glided for a full a minute in the thin mountain air, reaching speeds up to 125 mph, before landing at a glacier at 5950 meters.”

Rozov is an experienced jumper, having completed over 10,000 leaps and had planned on tackling the mammoth mountain for two years.  It took 4 days to journey from base camp to the jump spot having been assisted by a team of four Everest-experienced Sherpas.

Of the jump, Rozov noted in a confident fashion, “Only when I got back home did I see how hard it was for me both physically and psychologically.”

Check out the video of Valery Rozov base jumping off Mount Everest: