Did you watch the Game of Thrones season four premier last night? Of course you did. Your office hasn’t stopped chatting about it since the clock struck 9:00 a.m. and work officially started for the day. I don’t blame you, of course. Game of Thrones is arguably the greatest television drama in recent, if not TV’s entire, history.

They say that imitation is the best form of flattery. Who “they” are, I don’t know. But they might be on to something, especially given the new GOT parody that’s roaming around the Internet like a Stark trekking back to Winterfell after a disagreeable stint at King’s Landing.

This new video, though, replaces all of the lords of the seven kingdoms and protectors of the realm with social media’s biggest players: Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn. Produced by HootSuite, which consolidates social networks under one platform so users can access various social networks from one secure web-based dashboard, the video includes the platforms in what would typically be the show’s popular map interfaced opening credits.

“At HootSuite we’re big fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones and with the 4th season of GoT finally here we wanted to do our own rendition of the iconic opening titles,” wrote HootSuite on its YouTube page. “After all, uniting warring kingdoms is a story we know a thing or two about.”

If I were to look too much into HootSuite’s awesome clip, I’d say they should’ve made a concerted effort to try and match up certain social media networks with a corresponding kingdom. Facebook is the largest and wealthiest so perhaps it’d be the Lannisters while Twitter, with its humble 140-characters, could play the Starks. But I won’t overanalyze. This is supposed to be fun, after all.

Take a look at the video above and let us know your thoughts. Should more social media networks have been included? Did HootSuite absolutely nail it? Drop some knowledge in the comments section below.

h/t Fast Company