Beliebers around the world can breath easy once again. In a concert in Dubai, Just Bieber was approached on stage by an overly-enthusiastic fan which prompted security guards to tackle him into Bieber and the grand piano he was playing at the time. Media no doubt jumped on the chance to report that Bieber was “attacked” onstage, though this video seems to suggest something a little tamer.

The Huffington Post uploaded a low-quality video of the incident, no doubt shot with a handset of some kind. Footage shows a Bieber hound prancing his way towards the Canadian pop sensation with, literally, open arms and manages to engulf the Biebs in a haphazard attempt at what I assume to be a hug.

The intruder is subsequently chased down by security and tackled to the ground, prompting the Bieber to tumble and his grand piano to flip. Nobody was hurt and the fan was apprehended.

The Huffington Post wrote rather sarcastically,”DID HE SURVIVE? Yes — Bieber finished the song and then returned after a tiny break to croon his way through ‘Boyfriend’ and ‘Baby.’ If this isn’t a story of triumph in the face of insurmountable odds, what is?”

I have so many qualms with this entire situation I have no idea where to begin. First of all, what was this stage-goer thinking? In no world is it okay to jump on stage to approach a performer even if their intentions are for a nice warm hug. Like, really? Did they not think security would try to take them down, even if it was in the sloppiest possible way? And how did security even allow for such an amateur to get on stage. Bieber is likely the most sought after stars in the world for hugs or slaps across the face, so security really dropped the ball on this one.

I have to say though, they really made up for this blunder in style. Tackling the weirdo would have been sufficient enough, but they were all like, “hey, lets get these people their moneys worth and put on a real performance.” Bieber is alive and well and will likely be stepping up defenses for upcoming auto-tuned shows.