Jack Bushell dropped “Parade of Heroes” on Vimeo Thursday night. “The video features vignettes of college students and their experiences while rooting for the favorite football team, The Patriots,” Bushell writes, describing the Super Bowl XLIX champs’ rolling rally through the streets of Boston on Wednesday.

The video is a little over two minutes long. It’s shot entirely in slow-motion, featuring clips of Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski celebrating with parade-goers, and voiceovers from longtime fans.

“I remember walking into work one day and I was just wearing a Patriots jersey – and it was during a [Denver] Broncos game – and everyone was just so mad at me, but I mean I’ve been [a Patriots fan] as long as I remember,” a young women says, during the opening moments of the video.

“When I saw Tom [Brady] get the offsides penalty,” a young man says in another voiceover, referring to the Patriots’ first play at their own one yard line, after Malcolm Butler’s game-clinching interception. “…It brought a tear to my eye.”

Bushell directed, shot and co-edited the video with Jake Block, who also handled color correction. It’s worth a watch.

If you haven’t clicked play already, here’s a teaser.

Screengrabs via “Parade of Heroes” by Jack Bushell/Vimeo.