There’s no denying that Will Ferrell has own brand of comedy. Old Milwaukee (a lager produced by the Pabst Brewing Company) looked to capitalize on the funny man’s hilarity by placing him in commercials to endorse its beer. The commercials aired only in Sweden but with the help of the journalistic prowess from the aces at Funny Or Die, a comedic website co-created by Ferrell, the clips made their way over to the States. Mashable notes that “Funny Or Die shared the ad on Facebook on Thursday, writing: ‘Sweden’s twitter account just posted this Will Ferrell spot that’s only airing on Swedish television. It’s the best.” I don’t know if I’d call it “the best” but I’m certainly a Will Ferrell fan, and I’m not ashamed to say that I watch Old School religiously, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Check out the ads below:

I don’t know what’s weirder here, Will Ferrell or the Swedes’, um, unique sense of humor. The first clip shows Ferrell as an Ugly American making a juvenile fart joke. The second is him riding a bike in circles with creepy Swedish music playing in the background. The last two show him on a boat, accompanied by blonde bombshell in the first and lamenting the loss of a former lover in the second. I doubt Ferrell agreed to star in the commercials for monetary purposes only. I mean, here’s a guy who rips of strings of blockbuster successes like it’s nobody’s business. This makes me wonder though, if someone as funny as Will Ferrell is making strange-humored commercials overseas, who else is making weird commercials for even weirder products. At least the Swedes have good taste in American comedic actors. Check out the other three Swedish commercials for Old Milwaukee embedded below.