It’s may be sunny, but it’s windy and chilly out there, and it’s Sunday, sooo … your couch is looking pretty welcoming right now. Add in the thought of two season premieres and an awards show in one night (that being tonight) and your plans have all but canceled themselves.

So, what shows are coming back into our lives this weekend? Let’s take a look at where they left off, and what we have to look forward to for the rest of the winter season.

Here’s to not having a functioning social life!


Hate or love ‘Girls,’ it’s still somehow entertaining, whether you find yourself eating it up or cringing the whole time. Plus, it’s pretty key in remaining relevant if you’re a – yes I’m going to say it – twenty-something, in today’s world.

Where it left off: Hannah was a hot mess,succumbing to her OCD, royally screwing up her first book deal and cutting her own hair off. The season finale saw Adam coming to her rescue, telling her he was always there, even after she broke up with him. Marnie and Charlie seemingly got back together, but Christopher Abbott (who plays Charlie) abruptly left the show, so her storyline is pretty up in the air. Shoshanna recently broke up with Ray, her virginity-taker, and Jessa basically disappeared, while at her dad’s farm, with Hannah.

What to expect: Season 3 is allegedly slated to be lighter in content than the heaviness of season 2, so we’ll likely see the characters getting their shit together after much of them fell apart previously. Hannah and Adam are in a healthy (for them) relationship, Marnie may have gotten dumped, but she’ll bounce back, Shoshanna is living it up like she’s been longing to, and Jessa, well…she’ll likely come back, at least.

Watch the teaser trailer below, and tune in to HBO at 9 p.m. tonight to catch the premiere.


Showtime’s ‘Shameless’ is an addicting mess – the Gallaghers can never seem to see a stroke of luck, and if they do, it’s always short lived. As the kids try to scrape by, it doesn’t help that dad Frank is always screwing things up.

Where we left off: Ian leaves for the military without telling anyone, Lip gets accepted into MIT, thanks to Mandy, Fiona nails a real job in sales, Jimmy is presumably dead thanks to his involvement with the Brazilian drug cartel, and Frank wanders out of the hospital after learning that if he doesn’t stop drinking, he’ll literally die.

What to expect: Now that Jimmy’s gone and Fiona has her life together – a real job, a good boyfriend in the form of her boss – she’ll inevitably screw it up (teasers show by having an affair and getting arrested). Lip will struggle to fit in in college, Debbie will struggle to adjust as she starts to grow into her teenage years, and Frank will at least stay alive.

Watch the trailer below, and see the premiere tonight at 9 p.m. on Showtime.

The Golden Globes

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are back as the invincible duo in hosting history, giving us a legitimate reason to actually watch The Golden Globes. And that’s no easy job. This annual party gives us a chance to see stars in their element, and we can guarantee that we’ll at least get some more solid Jennifer Lawrence GIFs out of it. Perfect.