As the first winter storm of 2014 continues to relentlessly bear down on Boston, Mayor Menino has dispatched his Snow Team to try and keep the streets and sidewalks of the The Hub as clear and safe as possible. For some, Menino’s squall squad does an outstanding job but for others, they’re left with seemingly endless miles of unplowed roadways and mountainous snowbanks.

To get a better understanding of all that goes into battling nor’easters like the one currently blustering outside your window, and perhaps appreciate the services offered by the Mayor’s office just a bit more, the City of Boston has released an infographic detailing the five phases of what goes into responding to and reducing winter storms in Boston.

Courtesy of the City of Boston’s tumblr blog, Boston@Work:

PHASE ONE: Planning 48-72h prior to snowfall
Activate Mayor’s Snow team; analyze forecast; prepare equipment & contracts; plan media outreach.

PHASE TWO: Decision-making 24h prior:
Review forecasts; define operational plan including staffing and equipment; ready snow farms if needed; decisions around schools, snow emergency and parking ban status, office closings or delays, and activate the Mayor’s 24-Hour Hotline as Storm Center

PHASE THREEReadiness 4h prior:
Review forecasts; position equipment, treat roasts with salt or brine; activate emergency operations center; prepare “Snow Angels” program to empower neighbors to assist elderly & infirm neighbors.

PHASE FOUR: Execute Onset of snowfall
Begin salting & plowing in phases

  • Major arterials, plowing emergency arteries as widely as possible, with priority on hills and schools if in sessions
  • Secondary streets: cleared down to the pavement
  • Tertiary streets: small streets, alleys and dead ends

PHASE FIVE: Cleanup snowfall ended
Review emergency operations and finish cleanup; shift to unshoveled sidewalks & no-throwback enforcement; Snow Angels.