Aside from the fact that Winter Storm Nika is predicted to unload eight to 12 inches of snow on Boston and much of surrounding New England, the weather system is increasingly active. In fact, Winter Storm Nika is so active and modern that the squall actually has a pretty diligent presence on Twitter. That’s right, you read that last sentence correctly. Winter Storm Nika is Tweeting up a storm.

BostInno reached out directly to Winter Storm Nika to find out what her f—ing deal is and why she’s dumping snow throughout the Midwest like an absolute douche but, as it turns out, she’s a bit busy at the moment.

But we don’t take no for an answer over here at BostInno so naturally, we tried a more direct approach. Unfortunately, though, it was to no avail. At least for now.

Anticipating Nika’s diva-like arrival, the National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning slated to go into effect Tuesday at midnight and last through 6:00 p.m. Wednesday. Thought to accompany the eight to 12 inches of fresh powder is 10 to 15 mph winds with gusts reaching 25 mph, temperatures in the mid-20s and limited visibility.

It’s possible that Mayor Marty Walsh will enact a snow emergency and parking ban in The Hub, but has yet to make any announcements on that front. If it comes to that, be sure to check back with BostInno for tips to avoid being towed or getting a ticket, as some parking space throughout the city will be off limits for an extended period of time. In the meantime, check out how Winter Storm Nika is upping her social media game and growing her Klout score by engaging with the Twittersphere in the most passive-aggressive fashion.