We might be in the height of football season, but before you know it the leaves will have fallen from the trees and that light breeze will get chillier. That’s right folks – winter will be in Boston in the blink of an eye and according to the Energy Information Administration, residents in the Northeast will have record high heating bills this winter, with an approximate 20% increase by the end of the season.

The typical American family spends at least $2,000 a year on their home energy bills, but could save up to 20-30% by making energy efficiency upgrades. In honor of October being National Energy Awareness Month, we energy efficiency experts have some tips and suggestions that could help you properly winterize your home in anticipation of the cold season.  They will also hopefully put a few more dollars back in your wallet.

Working with an energy service consultant is a helpful way to make sure your home or building is properly benefitting from energy efficiency and carbon management services.  Consultants can create a customized plan, identify cost-saving energy conservation and planning opportunities, and provide support through various programs aimed to achieve a sustainable future.

For larger facilities, building managers and landowners should consider installing environmental automation controls which help to maintain desired levels of heating, cooling, lighting, and air quality, therefore helping to conserve energy, reduce environmental impact, and save money.

Easy DIY Tips:

  • Close doors and central air vents in rooms that aren’t used very often.
  • Make sure your chimney flute is closed when not in use to stop heat loss.
  • Cover drafty windows with a clear plastic film or hang insulating drapes to stop cold drafts.
  • Add caulking or weather stripping around windows and doors to seal small openings that cause heat loss. This can reduce energy waste and protect your home from moisture damage.
  • Replace your HVAC filters once a month to maintain a clean air flow which helps reduce energy costs.
  • Install or put to use an automatic thermostat to monitor the temperatures.
  • Use energy efficient light bulbs like CFLs or LEDs and set a timer on your lights for the shorter days to save on electricity costs.

If you are in search of additional resources, check out the following links: