While on your job hunt you’ve probably heard “the job market is tough”, “you need to go to grad school to get a job”, or simply “the economy, bro”. The truth is, finding work in your desired field is hard right now. Here are 7 things you can do to pretty much guarantee yourself an easier time finding meaningful work. 
1. Build a Professional Network
I’m going to preface this by saying I am cringing as I write this, but “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” This may seem like an old cliche, but it can be important in finding a job in your desired career field. You will likely get your first job from a friend of a friend, a former colleague, or someone you meet at a networking event. Take advantage of free events and seminars within your industry and actually go out and meet people. Being well connected is a great advantage and will make you a more effective employee once you’re hired too. 
2. Have Real Work Experience 
That unpaid internship can certainly pay off later. Use resources like Student Intern Network (shameless plug, but really) to lock up internships in the field you are interested in. Your resume is lagging behind the competition when you include accomplishments like “elementary school class treasurer”. 

3. Learn to Use as Much Tech Equipment as Possible
Proficient in Microsoft Office” doesn’t cut it anymore. Learning basic programming will be useful in almost any field you choose and knowledge of electronic equipment is becoming increasingly important. 
 4. Be a Good Communicator

You’ll never get past the interview if you can’t hold a conversation. No elaboration needed.

5. Start Early
That summer job you took as a waiter in high school can teach you quite a bit about dealing with people. Every job is a learning experience and jobs that aren’t as career oriented may still teach you more than that job you got at that investment bank filing papers for 10 hours a day. Take full advantage of every work opportunity and be able to show how each experience has made you more effective and knowledgable. 
6. Create a Job
If you’re risk adverse enough to try your hand in entrepreneurship, it can be one of the most lucrative paths to pursue. Whether your business flourishes or fails, it will be an amazing learning experience about your industry, what it takes to run a business, and yourself.
Not ready to dive into entrepreneurship? Show a potential employer how you can add value to their business. Maybe they don’t have effective social media outlets or their website needs work. If you can show that you have fresh ideas and can add value, every company is hiring. 

Michael Penn is brilliant 

7.  Be Creative.
This guy stood outside of Goldman Sachs and offered up coffee and donuts in exchange for a look at his resume. If Goldman didn’t hire him (they certainly should have) then this creative grad has a job with the SIN Team whenever he wants it.  
 Also Read:
5 Things First Year Law Students Need to Know
Introducing SIN Communities
Your First Taxi Ride is on us! 

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