You could definitely argue that it takes a dramatic flair to get involved in politics. And with all the bickering and name calling that seems commonplace in the halls of the federal government, maybe a stint on reality television would give you the experience you would need to hold your own in Washington. Maybe that’s why the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s latest hire is more than just a legal expert, but a famous face from none other than VH1’s reality show “I Love New York.”

Juan McCullum was hired this week to serve as a Democratic Clerk for the House Oversight Committee, after receiving his law degree from  the Mississippi College School of Law. But before that, you may have known him as “Pretty,” a contestant on the dramatic and over the top VH1 reality show “I Love New York.”

McCullum appeared on Season 2 of the show, in which Tiffany Pollard – known as “New York” and made famous for her foul mouth and sexual antics – partied it up in Manhattan with a group of eligible bachelors trying to win her heart. He lasted through seven episodes, until the producers brought his sister on the show. New York intensely questioned McCullum’s sister, accusing the contestant of being a mama’s boy and closet homosexual. At that point McCullum decided to leave the house, and forgo the official elimination. But the ensuing fight was pretty epic.

Just a heads up, due to foul language, the following video is NSFW.

Following his time on “I Love New York,” McCullum stuck around on the reality television circuit, appearing on the “I Love New York” reunion show, and giving insight into his experience during a VH1 behind the scenes special. Before his stint in New York, he worked as an intern for Republican Representative Chip Pickering of Mississippi.

However, it would appear that McCullum’s days of dating drama queens on camera is behind him, now that he is in Washington working on Capitol Hill. But then again, after seeing some of the dramatic showdowns that happened in the House Oversight Committee over the summer, particularly during Chairman Darrell Issa’s investigation into the IRS scandal, maybe McCullum’s MTV experiences are all he needs to hold his own.

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