No matter what website
you’re on, you’re constantly flooded with the latest list. I’ve heard people
say that lists are cop outs to actually writing, hence my latest article. In
response to the communis…haters of lists, I’ve created a short list of why lists
are good.

 (Photo Courtesy of Rwebdesign)

5. Efficiency: 

Being an aspiring journalist, I’ve
written my fair share of articles and blog posts. Once I get going, I keep
going, and going, and going, until I’m rambling and off topic. Lists are an
efficient way to write, and it keeps your post simple, yet effective.  

4. Perfect for our generation’s
attention spans: 

There’s no hiding it, our generation
has the attention span of a peanut. List are short, to the point, and easy to
read and bounce around. The first reason was three sentences long for crying
out loud. It doesn’t get much better than that. 

3. Reader Interaction: 

I love when I get comments on my
articles for multiple reasons, but mainly because it shows me that people are
actually reading what I’m writing. Lists are a good way to entice your readers
to comment on your posts, and they really stir up opinions if they disagree
with where you have something placed.

2. Lists have an end in sight: 

This might go hand in hand with the
short attention spans reason, but lists are a countdown, which show the end of
the post is near. Many news articles today keep going on and on after all the
information that the reader wants has already been stated. Lists show an
inevitable end and always keep readers thinking “what’s next?”

Jesus is the man, and he loves lists. (Photo Courtesy of Emmy K)

God loves lists: 

Don’t believe me? (See 10 commandments)

– Adam W.  

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