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You unlock your phone, fire up your Twitter app, and there they are. You can’t get away from them! Based on my article a few weeks back, you all probably know what I’m talking about, but this time, it’s annoying tweets. I’ve come to the conclusion that we won’t ever get away from this growing national epidemic, so, allow me to rant.

Here’s Grinds my Gears: Annoying Tweets Edition. 

1. Twitter Conversations: 

In case y’all didn’t know,
there’s this thing called “texting.” What you do is, instead of having a
multiple tweet conversation, you send them a message directly to their phone!
Crazy, right? Seriously though, I’m all for responding to someone’s tweet and follower
interaction. Anything more than two tweets back and forth should be sent
straight to texting. The only exception is the classic Twitter Fight where
personal information is aired out over social media and relentless shots are
fired all over the place. It’s equal parts annoying and entertaining.

2. Sloppy Tweets:

Chris Brown…smh.

I understand it’s social media,
and grammar rules like proper punctuation go out the window. However, it’s
unacceptable to be a college student and still misusing the following: there,
their and they’re, the difference between than and then, and my personal
favorite, using “r” for are and “u” for you. My parents still text like that
because they think it’s “hip.” If that’s not reason enough to stop you, then I
honestly don’t know what is.

3. Trolling Celebrities:

Do you really think the person with (insert number of millions of followers here) cares what you have to say? Girls, are you naďve enough to think that Justin Timberlake reads every single one of your “Oh my god I love you marry me you’re gorgeous I love your voice” tweets? And fellas, do you really think Jessica Alba or Mila Kunis is going to read your silver-tongue devil tweet talking about how “Hott” or “Sexy” she is and think, “Hey, that’s the kind of guy I want to date!” Get real, readers.

4. Responding to EVERY SINGLE Birthday/Congratulatory Tweet:

It’s your birthday. We get it. Congratulations. Oh, you got a new job? That’s awesome! Maybe it’ll keep you from sending stupid tweets and clogging up my timeline. 


One of my favorite accounts. (Photo Courtesy of

– Adam W.
More From Adam:
Grinds My Gears: Annoying Facebook Posts Edition

How to Avoid Being “That Guy”
Grinds My Gears: Facebook Invites Edition