
I’ll be honest, folks, I’m narcissistic enough to get excited when someone “likes” something of mine on Facebook. Whether it’s a picture, a comment, or a rare post (c’mon, who still actively posts on Facebook?), I love getting notifications to see who’s liking what.

Know what notifications I hate getting? Any and all invites on Facebook. This leads me to my latest installment of Grinds my Gears: Facebook Invites Edition.


 (Photo courtesy of

First up is the classic invite to the “Lost my phone, need numbers” page. No. It sucks you lost your phone, it really does. I’m about as stereotypical with my phone as the next college student: Twitter, Facebook, texts, Snapchat, lather, rinse, repeat. However, it’s not my fault you lost it, and it’s stupid to expect people to randomly post their number on a page where: 1) anybody could get it and bother me more than you already are at the moment and 2) just because we’re friends on Facebook, doesn’t mean we’re on the level of “have each other’s numbers” friends. I will not attend this event.

Next up is the ever-so-annoying “(Insert name here)’s 21st birthday celebration” page. Getting those invites when you’re not 21 is torture (I’m 21 on October 24th ). This year alone I have been invited to at least 20 of these pages, and that’s about 20 times too many (yes my 21st is coming up next week, birthday wishes are encouraged @AdamWoodard). This is just desperation in my opinion. You should celebrate your 21st with your close friends, not the thousands of friends you have from meeting them at parties or in your Comm 101 class (But if you want to come to Fairfax, Virginia and buy me a drink next Thursday I won’t argue!). I will not attend this event.

Oh, fundraiser pages, how I hate you so. I love giving back to local communities, don’t get me wrong! But do events really have to be at the ass-crack of dawn? Do we really have to do a 5k? I’m in college and in the worst shape of my life since I was a little kid crawling on my hands and knees. I could do the 5k, but it sure wouldn’t be pretty. Even worse is when you want to go to the event, but can’t, and hitting “No” will make you look like the biggest asshole on this side of the Mississippi. I will maybe attend this event.

 (Photo courtesy of College Humor)

“So-and-So has invited you to play (insert annoying iPhone game app here).” I’d like to think this one’s self-explanatory to all you Candy Crush nerds.

 (Photo courtesy of

Lastly, my favorite: “Come check out my band” page. Yeah…right.

End rant.

– Adam W.  
 More From Adam: 
Grinds My Gears: Annoying Facebook Post Edition
Obits: Sunday Night TV
How to Avoid Being “That Guy”