been a rough couple days to live in the D.C. metropolitan area, folks. So, I’m
going to take this time to vent and get my frustrations out in a positive,
light-hearted, and hopefully comedic way. Without further ado, here’s the first
of many new posts titled “Grinds my Gears.”

week, it’s the Government Shutdown Edition.

from a small town in Northeast Ohio, being able to come to the DMV has given me
the opportunity to see so many things and learn so much about our nation’s
capital. But now, thanks to those yahoos in Congress, being in the area is
borderline annoying, and here’s why.

1.  I can’t visit the
monuments, parks, zoo or museums:


else am I supposed to do when its 82 degrees and gorgeous in the Commonwealth
of Virginia yesterday, and I only had one morning class. What did I want to do
when I got out? Go to D.C. What were my plans, you might ask? None. You can
just jump on the metro on a whim and find something to do downtown. Whether
it’s a museum, a street fair event, or even just walking around the monuments,
there’s always something to do!

you can’t even go to the National Zoo! And for all you “too cool for school”
college guys that think you’re too old for the zoo, come back down to reality.
The zoo’s always fun, no matter how old you are, and that is a scientific fact!

did I end up doing? I studied. Epic fail.

2. Twitter

even get me started on the chaotic mess that was my Twitter timeline on Monday.
All of a sudden because we’re in the D.C. area every college kid thinks they’re a member of
Congress and know exactly what’s going on. Here’s a newsflash, folks: you have
no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t care how “informed” you are as a college
student, you’ll never be able to comprehend or keep up with what happens on the
floor of the United States Congress. So, let’s keep the opinions to the
experts, and go back to tweeting and posting about Adderall, midterms and last
weekend’s party.

3.  The shutdown
makes America look weak:

only seems fitting and proper that we end this with the fact that the shutdown
makes our country and our government appear weak to foreign powers. The fact
that our two main political parties (Yes, only two. If you think the TEA party
is legit, get real) can’t come to simple agreements and work together for the
betterment of the land of the free baffles me. Both sides need to put their
pride aside, buck up, have some humility, and do what’s right for the stars and

And if this congress
can’t get it done, then I know someone who can.

End rant.

– Adam W.

Also Read:

The Government Shutdown for Dummies
Fall Internships in the District [9/23]
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