Most of us wait until the last minute to act.

Cram for a test. Buy someone a birthday card. Pack.

The irony is that no matter when we do these things, the time required is the same.

So why do we wait? Because…

  • We can.
  • Deadlines push us to focus.
  • We get overwhelmed and perceive the task to be larger or more complicated than it needs to be.

If any of the above applies to you, keep reading. 

Can we wait or can’t we wait?

If we don’t know whether we can or can’t wait to apply for an internship it might be due to one of the following: 

  • We know we can wait because we have the information.
  • We don’t know we can wait because we don’t have the information.
  • We missed the deadline.

If we choose number two then we need to ask how critical it is that we land an internship. (Use the scale 1- 10 with 10 being most important.) If the answer is between 8-10 then continue reading. If the answer is lower than eight, schedule an appointment at the career center or with a counselor. Choose a date by which this will happen and stick to it.

Important Deadlines:

Deadlines do help us focus our attention. They should be one of the first things checked when researching an internship. Below are general guidelines to consider: 

  • More formal and competitive programs start recruiting in the fall for summer internships. 
  • Many international internships and pay-to-go programs have published deadlines that require application by end of November or December. 
  • As spring arrives, you can still catch a few programs with deadlines in early March but the majority of general postings for the summer will fall in the peak season of March and April. This is also the season when last minute applicants flood the market. (Snooze you loose.)

When I asked other internship coordinators for their advice to students they said,

“Apply as soon as possible. Make sure you do your homework by researching the company and reflecting that back in your cover letter and resume submission.   It’s not the same as submitting a homework assignment. The sooner an employer can qualify you for a job the better for you, and being considered before your competition puts you in line sooner!” – Margaret Pierce, International Technology University

“Employers think a season ahead. If you don’t arrange your internship before the spring semester, it is often too late.” Glenda Henkel, Towson University

“Get some letters of recommendation early so you have them when a deadline is fast approaching. The same goes for getting an official university transcript.  If you need one, it takes time. If you know you’re going to apply for positions for summer, request and pay for an official transcript at the beginning of spring so you have it for your applications when they need it.” – Anita M. Todd, University of Cincinnati

I especially like this one:

“In regards to federal internship opportunities, a federal recruiter recently told me to tell students to ‘brush your teeth and check USA Jobs.’  In other words, check every morning and do it right after you brush your teeth. – Cheri Ober, Germanna Community College

Moral of the story: If you’re really serious about finding an internship, picture a toothbrush and imagine yourself with a beautiful smile. 
 – The Intern Lady
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Also Read:
 The Role of Money in Choosing a Career Path
How to Leverage Your Internship
Paid Internships in the District [10/17]