I stumbled upon a post from PBS (yes… PBS… it was in my timeline….) citing Millennial’s as churchless and without political affiliation. The tone I felt from the article was one of resentment – almost implying that we are doing it wrong.

After reading and considering the data within the article, I was almost relieved. It seems like Millennial’s are awake and aware – truly striving for intellectual and political independence.

No, we don’t need a church to tell us what is right or wrong.

No, we don’t need a sixty-five year old political leader telling us which issues are important when voting.

We have access to information and knowledge, we should share that – and we do! Millennial’s have a tough road ahead as graduates face stifling job prospects and nearly unbearable loan debts; but every problem has a solution, and Millennial’s seem to be pretty great at solving problems. I am confident in a shining future for young Americans and Millennial’s continue to prove that they don’t shy away from change – or progress.

Let’s connect on Twitter @ZackHuhn @SINevents