Alec Dudson, a Manchester-based photographer has worked on several magazines, including some where he was an unpaid intern.  Now he’s taking his experiences and starting his own magazine project: intern .  Dudson hopes that the magazine will be a forum for generating conversation about interns and internships.  

The magazine, aesthetically, has the forward, avant-garde feel of a fashion mag.  Dudson said he chose the look because it appeals to “the design- and fashion-aware audiences that creatives generally are.”  And it seems to be working.  After partnering with Stack , a magazine subscription service that mails select magazines to subscribers, intern  began to get visibility.  Now, Dudson has started a Kickstarter campaign for the project. He hopes to reach Ł5,500 (approximately $8300) to help launch and circulate the first issue of the magazine.  So far he has reached Ł5000 with 11 days left.    

Is this a project you would like to see happen?  Do you hope to have a platform where you can weigh-in on discussions about internships?  Help fund the project here and be part of the magazine for and about interns!
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