Startup Hoyas

A recent federal study highlighted universities that have effectively been supporting and facilitating student efforts surrounding entrepreneurship and innovation. Two universities that they did not list that I think should be highly regarded include the programs at Georgetown University and the University of Maryland.  Here they are:

Universities Promoting Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship –

These universities are more focused on the value of entrepreneurship to enrich the classroom experience. Effective practices include: 

• The University of Colorado System’s Innovation and Entrepreneur Degree Program offers a Bachelor’s degree in Innovation through a unique multi-disciplinary team and course work approach

• The University of Illinois’ Patent Clinic provides law students the opportunity to draft patent applications for student inventors

• Washington University in St. Louis’ student internship program offers 25 paid internships per summer for students to work in a startup

• Rice University raised and provided $1.2 million in cash and in-kind services for its business plan contest in 2011

• University of Washington hosts a multi-level business plan competition throughout the school year, in combination with seminars, courses, and mentorships 

• University of Florida’s “INSPIREation” Hall is the nation’s first entrepreneurship-based academic residential community, which encourages student interaction with leading researchers, distinguished faculty, business professionals, and entrepreneurs.

• Georgetown University’s Entrepreneurship Initiative and Startup Hoyas programs allow students free, easy access to featured speakers, seminars, and business resources to grow ideas and successfully launch companies.

• University of Maryland’s “Startup Shell” is a student run incubator on-campus that provides student entrepreneurs with necessary resources to launch their products and ideas.

Follow me on Twitter: @ZackHuhn @SINevents 

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