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The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, a component in the Executive Office of the President, seeks interns in two offices for the Spring 2014 semester.  All resumes and cover letters due by November 22, 2013. Learn more about each position below: 

OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL & PUBLIC LIAISON (OIPL):  This office works closely with national, State, local and tribal leaders, law enforcement and substance abuse organizations to provide strategic outreach to further the Administration’s policies, priorities and objectives in addressing drug policy.


  – Assist in the development of outreach materials, publications, fact sheets and briefings for external stakeholders and the public related to emerging drug control issues, including ONDCP’s three signature initiatives: Drugged Driving, Prevention and Prescription Drug Abuse
 – Engage state, local, national and tribal leaders and organizations to furthering their understanding of the health concerns related to the three signature initiatives
 – Track, review and provide analysis of legislation and regulations at the state level pertaining to relevant topical areas such as prescription drug monitoring and per se DUI standards
 – Help maintain user stakeholder database and assist in stakeholder communications

– Communicate regularly with the leadership of states and major cities regarding prescription drug monitoring programs, among other initiatives

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OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS (OLA): This office works to advance the Administration’s drug policy with the Congress through outreach to Members of Congress, involvement in Congressional hearings and the development of legislative strategies for bills and issues.


·  Assist the Office of Legislative Affairs by monitoring and analyzing legislation, interacting with staffs of Members of Congress and non-governmental organizations, preparing for hearings and briefings on Capitol Hill, and assisting in the development of legislative strategies.

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In order to be an eligible applicant you must meet the following requirements:

· be 18 years of age or older at the time at which application is submitted;

· be a U.S. citizen;

· be currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program;

· have a GPA of 3.0 or better; and

· submit a complete application.


If a student would like to utilize the Internship for college credit, accreditation is at the discretion of the student’s college or university. The ONDCP Personnel Office will assist you in providing appropriate information as requested by colleges or universities. Arrangements for accreditation by any educational institute should be made before the student begins employment.

Background Investigation and Drug Testing

If selected for placement within the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the student will be asked to complete paperwork as part of a standard security investigation, in order to determine access privileges to the Executive Office of the President complex. The paperwork requires that the student provide extensive personal information about themselves and their family. It is important that all information and answers to questions be truthful and comprehensive in answering such questions. Applicants must submit to urinalysis, in order to screen and confirm no illegal drug use. A negative drug test result is required for appointment.

An ideal candidate would begin in January 2014 and serve with the White House through the end of the semester; the Office is open to continuing the internship into the summer as well.

To Apply:
Please send cover letters and resumes, as well as any questions, to Jacqueline Hackett at by November 22, 2013.  Clearly identify which position you are applying for (OIPL or OLA) when submitting your materials.