Breaking Bad isn’t available as a major, yet; but grad students at SUNY-Buffalo are able to enroll in “Breaking Down Breaking Bad” beginning Spring semester 2014.

“This is not just an interesting TV program,” stated professor Bruce Jackson in a university press release. “‘Breaking Bad’ goes into narrative and human and social complexity as no TV program has before. It is not like ‘The Sopranos,’ which was episodic; it is not like ‘The Wire,’ which was segmented. And it is not like ‘Homeland,’ which has had to direct itself into a new narrative. It is one epic narrative 60 hours long. We’ve never had that before, in any medium.” 

The course will examine the story arc, how the plot developed and feature guest speakers including law professors and representatives from the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Learn more about the course here. Would you consider taking this course?

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